Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prank Zombie Attacks and Real Consequences?

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Recently, some decided to pretend to be a zombie and chase people around--okay. I did this when I was like five. Though certainly a bit unnerving to have a lumbering, groaning, twenty-something boy stalk you, I was a bit disappointed by his 80s style tie around the head and artificially torn shirt sleeves. At least try for some authenticity?

But, I digress. What really struck me about the "attack" was the possibility of this being a trend. Were people tired of waiting for the real thing to happen so they go bonkers and attack each other? Is this lost bet? Will there be more? Or, perhaps more importantly, how far could something like this go? A part of me rolled my eyes as soon as this youtube clip began. Not a very convincing anything. However, another part of me wondered what kind of headlines would we see if something had gone seriously wrong during this kid's joke. Maybe he chased after the group of people or that individual itching for a fight. And is this just a start? 

People are already so paranoid, so on edge (and I'm not really sure why). I find it rather frightening that something stupid like this could set off a wave of consequences that the prankster might never have intended. It's likely that it wouldn't. I'm not that paranoid. 

Will there be more virtual clips demonstrating some other fool's poor attempt at costuming and make-up stumbling through the streets and scaring innocent people enough that they run for cover? I'm betting there already are and a few will make it youtube again. I'm not sure yet exactly what I'm trying to work out here; what are your thoughts, ghostly readers? How would you handle actually being on the run from a zombie, because now there is a stronger chance you will be? Will you choose to treat the threat as real or go along with the joke? I wish you luck on your journeys home and on your picnics in the park.

It's a joke. It's supposed to be funny.

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