I am sure, fellow long time zombie enthusiasts, that you too are both amused and grateful? for the recent surge in undead cult-dom. It is odd how in the last few years the populace has latched on with its dirty talons in fascination with zombies. Why, after decades of neglect, does little Jane and John Doe cradle a microscopic concern for this often overlooked genre of fiction?
Perhaps after dappling with vampires for so long and very depressing economics, the masses are looking to the "masses" for some form of escapism. Sure, the annihilation of your credit-ridden, inflation soul eating society would put a most final stop payment on your already bouncing checkbooks. This imaginary land is quite freeing, quite peaceful in comparison to our real world pressure of daily survival. In the same vein, I suppose worrying how to loot rather than how to scrounge up change is much more desirable to average struggling person. But is this the most likely reason for the zombie craze? Sadly, I hesitate but feel to the need to nod my head in acquiescence.
It is silly and obvious but necessary to say we are desperate. In dire need of release, in need of repose, we bang on the doors of imagination to offer a glimpse of freedom. Liberty via the cerebellum lays claim to a long history of success--true. However, are we actually using this wonderful gift of imagination--gaining avenues of self-discovery and growth to combat at times "oppressive" reality? Here's the thing. I watch myself and others (I'll specify in American culture) fall into the trap of avoidance. We'll dream of this supernatural or that supernatural creature and imagine themselves to be this DIFFERENT, attractive, powerful creature and ask no more of them and these day dreams become the focal point of our lives. I've even succumb to this false and stunted world. This is dangerous. Useful at times, but if neverendingly (spellcheck tells me I have created this word) exchanged for reality then dangerous.
Yet, a great book and great reader can employ these imaginations to their worlds and gain! This is what I propose to be a true test of imagination--a manifestation which really brings us peace/happiness/joy/renewal/something-super-awesome/something-tangible.
But back to zombies. Zombies are one way in which we can forget, ignore, avoid all the yucky gunk of the real world. They tear the duty-bound boulders of our daily lives swiftly and victoriously from our aching, knotted shoulders. Fans of zombies who are in it for the zombies know it is much more complicated than that. Apocalypse in no way means peace--names change, jobs alter, the weight is still born.
People, I am glad your interest gives the opportunity for more authors, more presses, and more publications of zombie literature; however, do not panic when you realize your pain has not been alleviated. Turn back and turn inward in a way that best satisfies those demons. It is just a thought or more of a concern for my dazed and enchanted friends (and self). When satisfied, pick up another undead narrative and enjoy the ride.
Perhaps this rant is silly or annoying--but then after a millisecond or two of posting, it too will be just as ephemeral as your passing fancies.
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